The Saginaw News from Saginaw, Michigan (2024)

Li 154 THURSDAY, AUGUST 9, '1917. THE DAILY NEWS. PAGE 314-320 GENESEE AVE. 111 SOUTH BAUM ST. Setter 36 inch Silk 36 Sport yard.

price valuc. colors, $1.25 Our Friday were $1.25, Poplin- all Cor duroys $1 .89 ets. Work pretty Sailor Fancy a s- Bargain List One table of One lot of Baskets and Hats with kets, regu- Lunch Bas- Most wonderful values we have fancy silk to 98c, Fri- or white larly sold up ever offered for one day sale. Do bands; black 98c not fail to be here and take ad- $3 reg. sold at only vantage of These 'Great Money at 1.47 One la lot rds, of Saving Opportunities at less than One lot ChilChine Crepe de wholesale prices.

dren's Ginga 11 ham Dresses' a ncy and The greatest bargains in Wash Fabrics we have ever offerPlain Satin, ed for for in ipes, Friday at less than cost of production. Buy now a 36 to 40 in. future use. Remember these prices are good for Friday only. checks and wide; regu- 1.500 yards of handsome sheer Voiles in all the new plain plain colors; larly sold shades as well as neat floral designs, pretty figures and stripes.

These have always sold at 25c a yard- styles, hunfrom $1.25 beautiful 2.5089 Friday only, per yard lect dreds from to se10 pieces of Beautiful Wash Fabrics in finest quality Splash Voiles, plain 36 on sale here ver Mohair, bloom, Sil- and colors, 38 checks, inches wide; stripes, were pretty 35c yard floral and Paisley designs, your choice 98c 75c plain Friday only, per yard colors and 32 inch Zephyr Ginghams in very pretty plaids, checks, Our entire pretty stripes stripes, light and dark colors; regularly sold at stock Chilyard 49c mer Hats. -at 22c Friday per yard dren's SumTWO BIG SPECIALS FROM OUR READY- TO- WEAR must be sold 44 in. Black FLOOR your choice $6.75, $7.50 and $8.75 Silk and Wool Skirts of the lot at White Check Dress Friday at One table of Shepherd 5.00 one-half off. Goods These skirts are all the newest models. made of fancy La dies' these goods striped taffeta, Gros de Londre, silk poplin as well as pretty Wash Skirts, sold at 39c yard, Friday wool plaids, checks and stripes; waist yokes and measures backs.

to fancy pretty stripes in gasport patch pockets, wide belts, shirred only 29c NEW SPRING COATS a r'd ines, FRIDAY AT 8.45 crepe, shrunk heavy One lot of cotL a i -were $12.50, $15, $17.50 to $19.75. These coats are made ton, at oneTrim med of all -wool serges, poplins, lupine, velours and fancy plaids; quarter off. Hats, trim- sizes from 16 to 44. 1- med with Our entire stock df Misses' and Children's Para- table of ribbons and sols. Plain and fancy silks, pretty handles, mostly all colors.

Ladies' Hat flowers, light Will be placed on sale Friday only at HALF PRICE. Regu- Shapes in all and dark 29c to $5. colors, also colors; many lar prices range from sailors pretty be- One lot of Ladies' Sport and Auto Hats in many pretty shapes are: min styles and colorings. These hats sold from $3.50 hemps, peastyles; were to $4.00 Friday only 1.85 nut, straws $5 to $7.50, and chips; Friday only Ladies' Sport and Auto Hats in tan with contrasting color were $1.50 1.95 bands; regularly just at the $1.00, hat for Friday outing at and motoring; sold 59c to 2.75 55c ORDER ORDER BY BY PHONE Saginaw's. Busiest.

Store MAIL THE MARKETS New Aug. recoveries from yesterday's final quotations were registered at the outset of today's operations, the short interest. retreating very generally. Steels and equipments, the weak feature of the preceding sego bion were lifted one 10 two points on free absorption and shippings. tobaccos, and were in further demand at average advances of a point, Industrial Alcohol rising 3 points.

Rails made fractional gains but coppers Virtually all gains were cancelled and motors reacted moderately. before the end of the first hour on heavy selling which strongly suggest. renewal of bearish pressure. The movement concentrated upon the 010 tors, later embracing sivels. coppers and various equipments including leathand sugars.

In several instances, prices foll under minimum quotations of the previous day. The reaction wats Soon halted, supporting orders carrying leading stocks 110 to or above early high levels. Trading quieted at noon but most recoveries were held. Liberty Bonds sold at 00.54 to 99.60. four Del cent call money rates and fresh selling of motor shares, especially Maxwell, gave the list another setback 11 the afternoon.

Steels and other leaders reacted from material fractions to more than A point. N. Y. Quotations. (3 O'clock.) Furnished by Thomson tc McKinnon, 2-4-6 Brewer Arcade.

American American Car Foundry 6 Beet Sugar 95 American Can 4 American American Smelters 102 American Zinc American Sugar Ref. 122 Alaska Gold Allis Chalmers 29 Anaconda Copper 99 76 Atchison Baldwin Locomotive 71 A Baltimore Ohio 69 Brooklyn Rapid Transit Butte Superior California Petroleum Cent. Canadian Leather -60 Pacific Chesapeake Ohio 61 Chino Colorado Fuel Crucible Steel 40 Columbia Gas 81 Distillers 37 Goodrich rid. 25 Northern Ore 105 Northern Great Cananea 3. Greene Granby Leather Pd.

Inspiration Nickel 55 Int. 39 Kennicott 43 l.ackawanna Steel 90.. Lehigh Valloy Marine Maxwell Pid. 914 Mexican Petroleum 95 Miami 37 5 Int. Paper: National Lead New Haven 36 New York Central 88 Nevada Northern Cons Pacific 103 1 Norfolk Western Pennsylvania R.

R. Pressed Steel Ray Cons, Reading Rep. I. 901 Rumley Rock Island Shattuck Southern, Pacino 95 St. Paul 68 Studebaker General Motors U.

S. Rubber 8. Steel 4. U. 8.


Fort Sheridan for 81. three day's furlough before returning to the officers' reserve camp for the breaking up of the three months stay that the prospective officers have made. Ile brings word that the Saginaw boys, and there are quite al. umber of then in camp, are getting along very well and are in tine physical condition. Next Monday or Tuesday the news that the boys have been waiting for since camp.

opened--the commissions to he awarded -will be made known and there is much conjecture As to what, will fall to the Saginaw boys. A few. days later. probably Thursday, the wit break up. Gossip concerns the names of several from Saginaw with being in line through their work and ability to land captaincies but this is a.

matter that rests with the camp authorities and nothing will be known. officially until the commissions are announced. LOCAL ARMY RECRUITING FORCE TO "BE INCREASED Sergeant Joseph Fawdry in charge of the local army recruiting office has received word that two new men. Privates Thomas Nicholson and Vincent Kaczmarek wil be assigned to duty at the local office. He has not been informed as to the meaning of this order which will place for the time being.

five men. her. The local office is getting an excellent number of men having- enlisted so far Sevell was the record for Wednesday. Daily Talks By Mary Pickford A California Soldier Girl. Qne thing the motion pictures have done that is a perfect boon.

to tlie theatrical world. is the establishing of a real home life. People really can marry now, who are in the profession, and ha've a home out here in one of these adorable little bungalows abound, or live Last in some be apartment and not that honeymoon of the "road," that word that afraid always means separation. There WAS A honeymoon couple here at Hollywood early in the spring. She They were small parts in one of the! not stars either.

played studios. land he was an electrician. didn't join the Home Defense He League with the rest of the boys because he was already. a volunteer guardsman in his home state. One day the.

little rose Matt had gone to join the honeymoon bungalow was in mourning. colors for boys in France. While we headed a towards Pershing's takI lost sight of her, SO many other ing "Rebecca of Sunnybrook things came up. And when we returned to Hollywood, she had gone, 3 too. I have had one letter from her.

plucky, earnest letter. It such a said: "'Since Matt left, I wondered what could do t.o help The little house in Hollywood seemed like a tomb without him. And I didn't like the studios since he had gone. So I am on my way to do work the same as. lots of other 'girls -get" as near him AS I can, and work with the Red So there goes 'one California soldier Cross.

girl. For every roll of bandage that she handles, for every blanket and pair of pajamas that she folds, there will E0 out a' little yearning prayer for Matt, her own special soldier boy, out yonder. We are all knitting things out here. just as all the other girls and women are doing throughout the country, and it seems TO sometimes, as if the thoughts of the knitters must be woven into all the sweaters and mufAers and stockings that go out. Each soldier knows they are symbols of love for some Matt who has gone to the front.

I read once in an old poetic play of George! Eliot's "Fedalma, or the Spanish these lines: "For love of one fair When thou seest fair heads, Be pitiful." So the needles fly, and the stitches gain. They are knitting everywhere, women in tenement houses in the East, wolnen in their cars as they ride along, girls on the trains and steamers, girls at the noon hour in I factories, knitting, knitting in some mystic rhythm of compassion. Of course, we are told there must be war. but somehow I am glad it falls to our share to knit and sew and construct, to nurse and heal and woo back to health, to give of all our powers and strength to try and stern the tide of I got one letter front soldier boy in a Scottish regiment in France, and he wrote: "You should see the scramble for Lthe home-knit things when supplies come in. A chap would rather have a hand-knit pair of socks or a muffer.

than all the shop goods. going. You see, it shows somebody's thought of uS. and out here it gets so thick that you: wonder whether anybody on earth cares whether you're dead' or alive any Then they say that boys and men have, no sentiment! Don't believe it one bit. Go and buy yourself needles and yarn and set to work.

Watch the stitches gain. and the rows multiply, each with its unseen warp of love that runs like a thread of gold through the gray wool. Some soldier will wear it. and thank God there are women in the world who care. Answers to Correspondents.

Sylvia believe that grey hair in youth is an inherited tendency. It surely unusual, though, in a girl of 13. My next picture is "The Little No. I am not leaving the studios L. K.

-That was a typographi-4 cal error. I stated my personal reply that Daniel Frohman was the president of the. Actors' Fund. The home is located on Staten island, N. A Mays am very busy just now on a new picture, but will try.

and remember when finish to find you what you want for your curio cabinet. I think: it a splendid. idea, a friendship collection of remembrances. Ent- -You are right. Anyone who knew me could 'have told you DAILY NEWS LINER COLUMNS PER WORD PER DAY PER WORD PER MINIMUM MINIMUM 200 1c CASH SN ADVANCE.


Meetings Thursday of each month. 113 No. Washlugton. 1 Travers. W.

Henry J. Lemcke. ti ELKS' DIRECTORY Saginaw Lodge 47, It. r'. 0.

E. Regular meeting Thursday, Aug. 9, at 8:00 p. m. Regular business.

Balloting for candidates. I. F. Naegely, E. P.

Rowland Connors Sec. MASONIC DIRECTORY Ancient Landmarks Lodge 303 F. 1. M. Special AUX.

11, p. 111. A. degree. G.

I'. Bleston, W. J. Phelps, Saginaw Lodge, No. F.

A. M. Special Friday, Aug. 10th at 7:30 p. m.

A. degree. J. Billing, Z. D.

Ells, W. M. 10 Saginaw Val. Lodge No. 15.1 F.

W. Special Aug. 0, 7:00 p. m. E.

H. degree. McBratnie. (i. Jerome Sec.

Brenner, W. 9 HELP WANTED--MALE BOY with lawn mower, 10 cut lawn; one that can be depended on. 236 No. 2nd St. EXPERIENCED farm hands in Alcona and Iosco counties.

Good wages. Fare paid. Wire collect stating when can come and wages required. R. 1.

Presrott. County Agent. Lincoln, Mich. WANTED -Good delivery boy. Apply A.

G. Fink. meat market. 807 Lapeer. WANTED--Boy.

O'Hara, No. Franklin. 9 WANTED -Lady or gentleman dancing teacher. Modern or fancy. Call Crane 3379 before six for appointment.

9 WANTED -Boy who has finished school for position in shipping department, Steady employment with fine opportunity for advancement. Address Shipping, care Daily News. BUTCHER, fireman, cooks teamsters. laborers, Saginaw Employment Agey. 415 Genesee.

9 WANTED- man for general work. Good opportunity for willing worker. Wolverine Glove 307 Tuscola. St. tf WANTED-Bricklayer.

75c per hour; laborers 400 per hour. The Chimney care Saginaw Malleable Iron Co. 10x WANTED -Man or voman cook ht Bridgeport Center House. Must be competent. Bell phone 3836.

10x WANTED Bright young man to fill orders in wholesale dry goods depart ment. Symons Co. MEN to work in scrap iron vard. L. Clinkofstine.

both phones. tf WOMAN WANTED for chamber work. Sherman House. CLEANING. pressing and repairing properly done.

Pierno, Brewer Arcade. WANTED- to learn car repairing trade. Will start in at 25c an hour: Apply P. M. R.

tf 1 Wanted- Some Men to Work in and Around Tannery. Steady Work, Wages. F. W. F.

Carlisle WANTED--Night: fireman. Mershon, Eddy, Parker Co. tf PERE MARQUETTE R. R. CO.

has steady employment which pays in the end. Callers and packers 25c per hour; truckers 23c per hour. Apply house. West Genesee Ave. tf SALESMEN WANTED CIGAR salesman, Saginaw, nearby counties; weekly salary accoring.

to ability: experience unimportant if acquainted with territory. Neway Sales Hartford. Conn. 9x HELP WANTED--FEMALE WANTED--Lady or gentleman dancing teacher: modern or fancy. Call Crane 3373 before six for appointment.

9 GOOD kitchen girl wanted. Apply Mrs. Porter Stewart. 622 Hanco*ck. tf WANTED -Competent girl for general housework, family of three.

Apply mornings and between 6 and 7 p. m. 415 No. Franklin, Bell 673. 9 WANTED--A A competent girl for general housework.

Apply at once. Mrs. Chas. Frueh, 1106 Hoyt. 9 for general housework.

Apply 810 Johnson. WANTED -Girls to do pressing ani ironing. Cosendal Dye Works, 129 Jefferson AVe. 9 WANTED Girl for filing and general office work. One competent to operato typewriter preferred.

Address Box 78, care News. WANTED--Experienced meat cook and two waitresses. Bender's Restaurant, 219 Germania. NTED--Nurse girl. aIrs.

Walter Qualman, 1420 Genesee. GIRL for general housework; good wages. No washing. Mrs. W.

v. Penoyer, 930 S. Jefferson. 10. WANTED--A girl for general housework; no laundry work.

410 N. Jetferson. WANTED -First class stenographer, for substituting, 3 weeks starting on Aug. 18. Good pay.

steady position probable, Brooks Mfg. Co. 11. SUMMER SUITS made reasonable. Berkovitz.

414 Genesee, upatatre. WANTED- -Second girl. Sag. Gen Hogpital. ti FOUND--The reliable place to make up 5 Also bargains hair goods.

Imperial Hair Shop. 415 Genesee. ti WANTED--POSITIONS MIDDLE aged thoroughly experienced accountant and auditor now employed will consider a change. Address Accountant. care Newel 11x POSITION WANTED Middle aged man, good appearance, sober and industrious, years -experience dealing with the public and handling large sums of money, desires position.

Moderate wages. Telephone 4093 J. Bell after 6 p. m. Satiatactory service guaranteed.

13x ..0. differently. Thank you for being my champion. C. You will hear from me later.

I think you have progressed wonderfully since coming from Italy. Many thanks for the three pictures. 3 -I know you will get your wish. Wasn't it good that. Mrs.

WA got hers? I laughed over your letter. What is the name of your friend who is in the hospital? MARY PICKFORD. (Copyright; 1914, My the McClure Newspaper Syndicate. WANTED--POSITIONS WANTED -Position a8 housekeeper or caring for invalid by capable woman of torty-three. Address Box IT.

Care News. 10x WANTED MISCELLANEOUS RESPECTABLE young girl would like to make home with good will help with work, Address Box J- 1, care News. 3x WANTED- -To give you our price on painting and decorating. lenry Boehlke Son, $00 S. 4th.

Both phones. 7 -Old false teeth. Don't matter if broken. pay $2.00 to $15 per set. Send by parcel post and receive S.

Fifth P'hiladelphia, 1'a. check by return mail. a Mazer, 200. 25x FOR SALE -CITY PROPERTY SOME beautiful 116 bungalows for sae. 'riced from $1,250 up.

Saginaw Valley Realty Co. Both phones. FOR SALE-10 Ane homes, Allen, owner. 1605 WV. Genesee.

9x SAVE FIVE PER CENT or more your investment and buy a bungalow of owner at 117 Phelon street; has vestibule, living and dining rooms, two bedrooms with closets, complete bath, pantry and kitchen; double hardwood floors throughout; electric lights, gas, water, cistern. sidewalks, fruit and shade trees; house been built four years; a snap for cash or time with $300 or more down. This won't last long. dh HOMESEEKERS, LOOK -Last night a mat came into our office and re4 ceived a check in payment tor property we had sold for him. It WAS property he had bought from: 118 at a much smaller Agure some time ago.

There was a broad smile Ol the man's face, for he liked 0111 way of doing business. This is what he said: "Whenever I 111 in the market for another place, I will, to you. appreciate what you have done for me, and I will boost for That man trusted us and our business judgment, and he profited thereby. You do likewise, and we will do our best to help you. Whether you buy or not, come 111 and see 115.

We like 1Q yOu. are "just common." Read these few locations below; we have many others. Five room house 011 S. Ward fine lot, city water and bath. Only $100 cash, balance as rent.

7-room house. on S. Vard St. Electricity. bath, a fine little home, with nice lot and pleasant supoundings.

Only $1.650, part cash. T-room house on S. Park large lot, fine well of water, soft water 111 house. Only $1,200, easy terms. On State St.

acres, with mine 10- room house, barn and other ontbuildings. $2,500, easy terns, On Thurman new 6 room house, with acre land. Only $1,650. On Stone strictly moderu new bun- I galow. Every convenience, including basem*nt, lights, etc.

Only 400, easy terms, On 14th nice 4 room cottage, block from car line and pavement: A wonderful at $500. part cash. place has storehouse, hen house and park. Beautiful home on N. Harrison.

3od erl, with garage, easy terms, Also, read our farm list. The Saginaw aVlley Realty Co. Ask for Pifer, Nckels or Mertz. 214 Germania Bell 2029. Valley 622.

9 FOR SALE--FARMS WE NEVER had anything like It. Some ot the most beautiful little farms Saginaw. and the price is just right. We have one 20 acre farm, all tiled, fenced and in elegant shape. right close in, only 14 mile front street car.

Fine buildings. Two others out Washington Ave. just as nice. Don't take any chances On the futire. If you have farin, You know you are safe, and independent: matter what happens.

Sec 116 today. before they are all gone. Saginaw Valley Realty Pifer, Nickels or Mertz, 214 Germania, both phones. FOR SALE--HORSES FOR SALE--Work horse, weight about 1600 lbs, 6 years old. Deters Auto Exchange.

13 FOR SALE-1 good team of horses, weight 1300 and 1400. Inquire 649 Bay or call Valley phone 3455 B. 9x FOR SALE--One horse, dray, wagon and harness, cheap if taken at once. Call Valley 106 Bell 199 J. FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS RABBITS- Belgian hare for sale.

1441 S. Warren. FURNITURE FOR SALE House' to rent. 032 So. Washington.

10 FOR SALE--Underwood typewriter No. 4, almost new. cheap if taken at once. Valley 3343 1023 N. Bond St.

9 HOUSE to be moved off of lot 321 Cambrey Inquire 400 Linton. Bell 1262 1. tr DO YOU KNOW you can get a genuine Victrola at Grinnell Bros. 114-116 N. Baum for $15? FOR SALE CHEAP--Reed baby riage.

Inquire 1021 N. (Charles. SPRING -IVAGON, gas, coal and wood stoves, lumphrey bath heater, beds, tables, 1.000 other household articles. Must sell. Call early and secure bargain, 217 So.

Washington. 3 PLAYER PIANOS. gOod 28 new, at greatly reduced prices. Act quick. Gregory's Music House, west side.

W. F. tr. FOR SALE -Maple Clippings: large loads $3.25. Curtin both phones.

6-1 tf FOR h. p. motor, oak rocker, morris chair, violin, slide trombone. gun, pair pedigreed Belgian hares. Bell 7160 22.

VERY CHEAP- One 40 foot boathouse. Tierney Bros. tr KIMBALL make like new, oak case, at a bargain. Terms if desired. Gregory's Slusic House.

west side. Tues- Thurs- -tf. MINARD'S 18 the best place 1.0 sell, buy and exchange stoves, refrigerators, furniture, New and used. 605 Genesee. Both phones.

e-0-d- tl FREE Winter's wood, two large trees just for cutting. Call Bell phone I 2336 W. 9x FOR SALE- One Old Town canoe, practically new, 18 feet long. $25. Inquire Frank Burdick, Cornwell Co.

10 FOR picked cull beans Tor feeding. W. A. Daily, 1826 N. Mich.

tr ASPHALT shingles, all kinds material, phones 707. 707 La Sinith Co. ANY STYLE skirt made for $2.50 at 1. Berkovitz, 414 Genesee. THE VICTROLA 1s supreme in all melds It Is the Instrument for your home.

Victrolas $15 and up. Grinnell Bros. 114-116 N. Baum. DRY hemlock wood.

$2.26 per cord. -Both phones. Frank L. Muehlenbeck. tr YOU and jour family would enjoy I.

Victrola. We bave one ready for you. $16 to. 1400. Easy terma.

Grinnell Bros. 114-116 N. Baum. FOR SALE--Several very Ane- Visible typewriters. Est.

John E. Connelly, 136 S. Washington Ave. WANTED--TO BUY. WANTED- buy cook stoves, ranges soft coal stoves: and refrigerators.

Connelly a 6-0-d calves, chickens and eggS, Top of the market, pld. The Corpwell Company. 10 WANTED shape. touring car TO Fernette or BUY roadster 1916 Garage, body, 311. 1917 in Ran- Ford good co*ck.

tr BUSINESS CHANCES FOR England Junch. 407 Genesee. C. E. Lown.

BUSINESS CHANCES FOR SALE barber shop outfits. One at. $150, the other at $100, Rieder. WANTED--Capable man with for hast business opening in Saginaw for $300 a month and up: permanent. Addreas W.

Simpson, 1302. Goddard Chicago. FOR SALE- Fruic and grocery stock. within one blork from town clock. Rent reasonable.

sell as it Inventories. C. J', Rider, 415 Genesee. TO RENT--MOUSES FOR RENT- HOURA 517 Union just off Michigon, one block from West Genesee. Modern except furnace; stoves in house: bath and two bedrooms on tirat floor; threa rooms upstairs.

Inquire Dits. F. 11. Ritas. 1141 No.

tf TO RENT -louse with all modern conveniences. Inquire 114 Wheeler or Bell 2928 W. Valley 3.49 OT. 10 ROOM flat, gas. elect irity.

bath. 113 44, Warren Ave. M. Hay, Atlantic Hotel. tf TO house I in good Inquire I.

L. Taub. 1145 tf TO KENT-Strictly modern house. 419 So. Weadock, E.

Saginav. Hardware Co. tf FOR RENT flat, cor. Carroll and Rent $10. Imo TO RENT--ROOMS FURNISHED light housekeeping.

rooms, all I modern conveniences, at 223 N. Park. 1. 9-11 FINE furnished room, modern home, use of piano and telephone. 701 So.

Washington, near Auditorium. tf TO RENT--Pleasant furnished rooms, also housekeeping rooms, ground floor. with all modern conveniences. 311 N. Washington.

tf. TWO large modern rooms, 3 blocks from town clock. Best location in city. 309 S. Park.

11 TWO furnished or unfurnished rooms 1524 M. Genesee. 9 NICETY furnished front room in family, all conveniences. N. Franklin, 11.

FURNISHED, rooms for light housekeeping. sas, water, bath, ground floor, private entrance. 510. N. 16 ROOMS TO ts.

TO RENT- sets of 3 rooms light housekeeping; modern; nice'y papered and W. varnished. Ground Bell 1208 1137 S. Washington. tr MODERN room, 5 minutes' walk from lOWI clock.

Board if desired. 701 Johnson. 13. PLEASANT furnished rooms. all conVeniences, with private family.

board if desired. Valley phone 1044 L. tf Union Pacific Utah Copper .1011 Virginia Chemical 401 Westinghouse 48 able interest was manifested today as to what Influence the final passage of the food control bill would have in wheat market, observers found that the chief development in the trade was only a disposition 10 await sone announcement of the policy by the ministrator to be appointed under the law." Without any apparent relation to the sweeping new federal enactment. wheat opened higher at and in later transactions steady At reaction. The strength shown was attributed to the fart that the government estimate of the probable' domestic vield of wheat this season was much 111 what had been generally expected, Corn like.

wheat advanced as a r'esult of the government crop estimate being somewha 1685 favorable than the majority. of the dealers had been looking for. After opening 1 to higher with December at to $1.18, and May at to the mArket sagged a. little, and then rose higher than before. Unfavorable weather had A bullish effect on oats.

Shorts were the principai buyers. Fresh high record quotations on hogs made the provision market firm in the face of realizing sales by holders. Chicago Livestock. Chicago, Aug. receipts 17- 000: slow: bulk $15.750 16.60; light $15 (016.60; mixed $15.20 16.65; heavy a new high price record; rough $15 pigs Cattle -Receipts 3.000; strong: native beef cattle western steers $767 stockers and feeders $5.80 and heifers calves 13.0 Sheep -Receipts Arm: wethers Jambs Western Union Willys- Overland 31 Grain and Provisions.

Chicago, Aug. consider- East Buffalo Livestock. East Buffalo. Aug. receipts 175, dull.

Veal- -Receipts. light: strong: $50 few $16. 300- active and strong: heavy mixed and yorkers $17.10 25: light vorkers and pigs 15.50; roughs stags 13.50. Sheep and lambs- -Receipts light; steady and unchanged. 6 Detroit Livestock Detroit, Aug.

Cattle, stropg. Veal calves--Strong. Sheep and lambs, steady. HOgS- -Prospects mixed $15.50 16.60; few extras at $16.70. Produce.

Chicago, Aug. Arm; cream erv 35 a 39c. EggS Receipts 15,167 cases: unchanged. receipts 15 cars: Virginia, barrels 5.50: bulk Ohios $1.50 01.60; home grown $1.5001.60. Poultry alive, higher: fowls 31 springs Detroit, Aug.

Arm and fu: quiet at 37 38e: for creamery Arsts: and for extra creamery. Poultry- Broilers: 30c: lightweights No. hens medium 18020c: roosters: 13 geese: ducks young ducks Potatoes--Southern white at jobbing lots $5 per bbl. LOCAL MARKET QUOTATIONS (Cotton Spring 014.308 Second Patent, Winter Straight, Graham, Graham, 1-20 wood 20c more. These are dealers' quotations for barrel lots.

Feed Stuffs-(Ton) -Winter Bran. $47; Middlings $55; No. 1 Feed $81; No. 2 Feed $79; a Ground Oats, $63: Cracked Corn $94: Coarse Corn Deal $94.00: Fine Corn Meal. per 100 $6.45: Fine Corn Meal, 10 lh.

sax, per 100. $6.60: Linseed Meal, $59; Cotton Seed Meals $57. Above are dealer's prices. FRUITS AND PRODUCT. The selling price in Saginaw for fresh vegetables, Aug.

10, 1917. will be as 'follows: New Potatoes $6.00 bbl: carrots, doz. 20c; new beets. doz. bananas lb.

3 12 lemons, Callfornia box $10: oranges, $4 4.60. GROCERIES. Sugar -Net prices: Cut loaf powdered eastern granulated, $9.25: No. 6 soft No. S.

soft No. 10 $9.95: Michigan W. W. 12c; Gasoline 19c. Sult--In car No.

1, medium, per bbl. granulated quantities less than car lots; No. Medium, $1.60: granulated $1.55 per bbl. HAY AND STRAW. The selling price for Aug.

10, 1917. as reported by Wolcott Grain Co. Hay--No. 1 timothy. $16: stand.

ard $15; ilght mixed $15; No. 2 thy $14: No. 1 mixed $14: No. 1 clover $14; No. 3 timothy $12; prairie hay $6: straw.

baled $1 per ton higher. DRESSED MEATS. The net paying Saginaw for Aug. 10. 1917.

as reported by The Cornwell will be as follows: Lambs dressed beef calves. 76 to 150 IDs calves, 90 to 120 thin cow beef mutton. hogs, 100 to 200 225 to 250 lbs stags 5c; sows and rough off from above prices. I'vultry, Butter and Eggs- (Net I paying Fresh prices quoted cases by the returned, Cornwell 35c; cases not 330; No. 2 such as 'shrunken and watery, 29c; packing stock butter 28c; choice dairy butter, At for: table use, 32c; broilers, 2 lbs.

or better, 220; broilers under 2 los. 22c; No. 1 fowls, 5 lbs or better, 17c; No. 1 fowls, 4 lbs or better: 15c; No. 1 fowls, under 4 13c: stags and old 13c; No.

1 Squabs 35c pair: squab guineas, $3.50 per FUEL. (Retail prices to consumer quoted by Saginaw dealers.) Coal--Hard $10: stove $10; egg $10; pea $10; pocohontas, soft i coal $7.00: gas co*ke $8.50. I hardwood Wood--Body slabs. beech $2.75: and a hemlock maple, mill slabs $2. EXAMINE RESULTS OF EXPERIMENT IN' BEAN CULTURE County Agriculturalist East P.

Robinson and a representative of M. A. C. were on A tour of inspection Thursday examining the results of an experiment In culture tried some time ago. Certain varieties of beans grow.

in michigan, the seeds were sent to Idaho, planted and allowed to for one season and then the seeds resulting this planting were brought back to Michtgan and planted. alongside. fields of beans which had ordinarily been the same variety, but which have been In Michigan during the three seasons. It was hoped that the of the beans to the different climate would free them from disease and officials are very much interested in the outcome of the experiment. Schwahn-Khuen Arency, Insurance TO RENT -OFFICES FOR Brewer Arcade, inall furniture Dec.

that 1: eluding use of desk, typewriter. and time arrangement can be made for desk rOOD. W. Moore. 11x BUSINESS OFFICE 2729 S.

Bell 1624. tf TO RENT RENT-MISCELLANEOUS TO RENT--For storage or garage purposes, brick building, cor. S. Water and Millard Sts. Tierney Bros.

tf TWO warehouses, each 60x110, with railroad tracks entire length. M. C. and P'. M.

jointly. Inquire Eastman Salt Product, Carrollton. tf AUTOMOBILES WILL PAY CASH for Ford car, not purticular about. condition. Baker.

photographor, lamilton 11x CHALMERS, 1916 model. for sale, in first -class condition, guaranteed, excellent bargain. See this car before huving. Harry's Garage, Roth phones 964. 1.1 BA FOR SALE--Used Ford cars in Al condition.

Fernette. Garage, 311 Hanco*ck. tr FORD light delivery, open body top, and wind shield complete, almost: new: best offer gets it. Chas. Fettig Janes and Franklin 10; FOR SALE -Ford touring car, Al condition: 3 brand new tires.

Engine just overhauled. Call Bell 2975 W. 11 FOR SALE- Grant roadster, 1917 11- cense, $170. Bargain if taken at once. Inquire Everett HOuSE barber.

shop pr 622 S. 4th. 11 TWO' Ford enclosed delivery bodies: cheap it sold at once. Harris Auto Exchange, 301 N. Frank.

lin St. 1m BUILDERS' SUPPLIES BRICK, cement, gravel, lime, plaster. sand. etc. Saginaw Fuel Supply 1422 Monroe.

both phones. CAR.) OF THANKS WE WISH to thank our many friends and neighbors who 50 kindly assisted uS At sickness and death of Our beloved husband and father: also wish to thank thent the many beautiful Aowera: sent. Mrs. Ed Mees and Son. FIRE INSURANCE SCHWAHN-KHUEN AGENCY.

Bell 2851. Valley 2851.1 GENERAL DELIVERY SOULE Delivery baggage and packages called for and delivered anywhere in city. Both phones. tf HAIR GOODS AND HAIR DRESSING IMPERIAL HAIR SHOP. 415 Genesee.

tt LOST ANI FOUND LOST -Thursday morning, on Washsunt of money receipts. Return ington car, No. a 220, purse containing 517 Carlisle. Reward, LOST -Brooch set with pearly and one large amethyst. Return A Dr.

T. E. Howson, Wiechmann Bldg. '11 LOST---Shuron glasses. between P.

M. tracks and 831 N. Washington Mt. return 821 N. Wash.

St. Clark. 19. LOST- -Tuesday evening, On east side het ween Grand Trunk crossing and Genesee on Washington Ave. car, lightweight navy.

blue coat. Return 714. Annesley St. Reward. 10 10 LOST -Silver watch, between junction and Carroll St.

1503 Carroll, Valley phone 841 M. Reward. 10 LOST- -Beagle hound. Return 646 So. Park, Reward.

10 MONUMENTS PERSONAL attention given all monymental orders. Forest Lawn Granite Marble Works. 3 PIANO TUNING F. BOEUTER. expert piano and player piano tuner and repairer.

All work guaranteed. Bell 2397. W. SECOND HAND GOODS SECOND HAND GOODS bought and sold. Morlick Brovick.

222 Valley phone 128 M. SCRAP IRON FINK SON, cash of acrap Iron, metals, paper stock. rubbers, 325 Emerson Valley 443 L. Ball 349, tr MISCELLANEOUS HORSE, wagon, sleighs, cheap or exchange for Ford ear, The Salvation Army, both phones. HOUSE WIRING Fixtures, electric fans, Thor electric washers.

J'oint appliances, Brow -Electrica Both phones. 228 South Weadock. HEREBY FORRID anyone to sell in. toxicating liquor to my husband. F.

A. McKenzie 9x WIRE YOUR HOME on pay. menta: down. Phoenix Electric. Valley FOR ELECTRICAL WORK and appliances see Brow, Guaranteed service and right pric 228 South Weadock, Both phones..

The Saginaw News from Saginaw, Michigan (2024)
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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.