New Jersey Nightly News; New Jersey Nightly News Episode from 01/26/1980 (2024)

The New Jersey it would seem to me to be absolutely realistic for the FCC to ignore that it seems to me that you're saying it is really no way out of it now for the FCC although they can find ways out of it but I think that we've got an awfully strong argument. The governor has already fired off a telegram to FCC chairman Charles Ferris and he says he may ask federal for federal legislation that would require the assignment of any available New York TV frequency to New Jersey. The chairman of New York's Alcoholic Beverage Control Board has been convicted of soliciting bribes from two owners he was supposed to regulate. The chairman James slaughter put a price on transferring liquor licenses for two proposed nightclubs in Newark. The price was $5000. The owners of those clubs apparently felt that was a little steep and went to police investigators to press charges. After yesterday's conviction slaughter faces up to 18 years in prison. When we're jury Oh Ritchie the boot boy Argo and seven others go to trial in Monmouth County in March. The top earners will be allowed in the courtroom to follow the action. That from a ruling yesterday by Judge Marshall Selleck off who says he'll set up

guidelines for those photographers to prevent any prejudicial problems. Why are always an alleged underworld boss in Jersey and he and the seven others face charges of conspiracy murder extortion gambling robbery and loan sharking in that trial the U.S. Olympic Committee is meeting this weekend to decide what to do about President Carter's request to boycott the Moscow Olympics because of the Russian invasion of Afghanistan even as they were meeting a Soviet dissident now living in New Jersey was saying the Soviets won't grab any more territory if the U.S. gets tough. Christina groaning has more on the story. The presence of Valentine more eyes have been Ukrainian community center in Irvington this afternoon was a big event for the center's members. The 43 year old Soviet dissident was greeted by the New Jersey Ukrainians in traditional style with bread and salt. But the meeting with this Ukrainian and the descendants of Ukrainians was not a light meeting more eyes spoke of his 14 years in many Soviet prisons bitterly and said he knew he was obligated to tell the Western world what light in the USSR is

lighten it up and then the western man completely that misunderstands they don't have the data in order and way of life in the US. And responsibility of the dissidents explain what's going on whether. They can exist. The fact of going to TV is expanding so on. So that's all build on. The only way to stop this is out. But strengthened by a. Need. Russia didn't ask anybody whether she has a right to invade Afghanistan.

And America should ask anybody whether she has a right to help the Afghan insurgents. What you are saying could very well lead to war. You are the most oppressed of the world. Yeah I must go wrong. The war when assured that she will be convinced that the West is not joking it was one of two political prisoners who were traded back in the spring of 1978 for two Russian spies arrested here in the United States. In the midst of Ukrainian Americans already harboring ill feelings towards the Soviet Union Moraz was honored and there were nods of agreement one more quoted a sign he saw in New York that said no role in Irvington I'm Christina groaning. The Pinelands Planning Commission may be running out of money money used for the protection of that 1 million acre region. The reason is President Carter's 981 budget makes no

reference to the almost 14 million dollars. State officials say they're entitled to under federal law. They had expected to get at least some of that money in fiscal 81. But now it appears that they're going to have to fight for it. According to a federal report the hang up may be with the Interior Department which wants to see a proposal from the commission before any more money is spent. Federal agents with a helping hand from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police have broken a multimillion dollar drug ring in Bradley Beach. Police are calling it one of the most sophisticated and better mean operations in the country with equipment usually found only in professional laboratories. Four men were arrested. All of them Canadian nationals and police confiscated what they say is seven million dollars in drugs. The street name brand that it means is speed skaters from 59 northeastern roller clubs met today in North Brunswick for the start of a very special event. Susan these last spent the day of the competition. Normally the North Brunswick roller rink is filled with disco dancers.

Today as the seventh annual winter Invitational got underway. Hundreds of amateurs representing seven Eastern States are here for two days of intense freestyle and figure competition. This is the largest turnout ever from 2 to 60. There are dozens of events scheduled everything from the dancing and enthusiastic spectators are providing plenty of moral support. But since the content started a few took a break for a quick nap. Rumor has it just goes on the way out contestants here say figure skating is here to stay. This goes. Possibly a bat. But maybe it'll bring a lot of young people into skating home only and that's what skating meet so we can get into the Olympics figure skating and what we're doing dancing on a board takes about more time and a lot more noise.

And disco is like a dance that you can put on skates and dance like you and me. I just feel it's a range of the school work which is going to last in popularity to some extent although I don't feel it's going to be the same way it is now for any length of time. I feel it's an extension of the sport but mainly like I see freestyle skiing is part of the sport of skiing or skateboarding is part of the state of roller skating. I don't think people on Main in it to the extent they do right now. The competition runs through midnight Sunday with the winners receiving a gold bronze or silver medal. Not a bad reward considering the price of precious metal these days in North Brunswick on Sudanese law. Oh.

While the skies were filled with sunshine today bringing us a beautiful winter day. Highs were in the low to mid 30s but will be in for a few changes tonight. There will be considerable cloudiness developing and it will be cold. Temperatures will be in the low to mid 20s tomorrow. A continued chance of cloudiness and cold temperatures and also a chance of snow in parts of southern Jersey. Eyes will be in the upper 20s to low 30s and the outlook for Monday partly sunny and continue cold while it's now time for sports.

And Bill my own bill it was a bad day for the Nets there off their story. It certainly was only a two game winning streak nonetheless so they shouldn't of lost last night's game. The nets can't seem to put a substantial winning streak together. They beat Washington on the road Thursday night for their second straight win. But last night they let one slip away to the Detroit Pistons at home the final 119 to 116. Detroit brought the worst record in the NBA to Piscataway last night with a little help from the nets. The Pistons escaped with their 14 win of the year six Pistons scored in double figures number 32 great cancer there were people Michigan State and number 11 Bob McAdoo each scored 21 points. Eric money the X net and Terry Tyler both chip in 20 minutes trailed for most of the game. Near the end of the third period to take the leap quarter the next 86 82 360 next held their biggest advantage of the game 1 10 100. Driving down hill after that break and stuff the pistons to within six minutes later

McAdoo able to cut the lead to 114 in the game for New Jersey and gave Detroit the ball with one seconds remaining again for Detroit with a tippin of 8 seconds and the Pistons still had a chance to drive two three pointers. Short time ran out again 119 to 116. And the New Jersey Gems will try to hit the 500 mark tonight when they host the New York stars in their new temporary home in Morris County. The game will be held at the county college of Morris in Randolph and the gents have a new player to go along with their new home. Willa Dean Harris is a leftover from the defunct Washington metros. Harris at 6:05 teaming up with Dan Myers and company should be quite a boost for the gems being ours from the Washington Metro. She was there for story afterward and she's 6 foot 5 center and we think that a man with Danny

Myers in our present super stars is going to bring us a winning season and we hope to bring the people in New Jersey a championship here and that's what we're up to. Well it's halftime at the Palestra and Princeton is in the process of upsetting St. Joseph right now to score 25 14. The Tigers haven't played a game in 11 days and are struggling through a four in 12 season. Another college basketball tonight St. Peters still the top offensive team in the nation. Host Wagner in Jersey City the peaco*ck's will try to hold Wagner to their defensive average of forty nine points per game and ECAC Metro Division contest. St. Peters is 12 and 4 while Wagner is 10 and for Seton Hall is home to take on Providence at a Big East Conference game. Both teams are still looking for their first league win overall Seton Hall is eight and eight in Providence now is 10 and seven. Well rumor has it that chop weapon or the Bayonne bleeder will return to the ring at this point. That's all it is rumor. While weapon or did sign a provision with CBS to fight to toll Jones in Atlantic City on March the twenty ninth Jones has not responded

yet. I spoke with weapon this morning any doubts that Jones manager will OK that bout weapon are seen here against Scott Franks says that Jones just doesn't belong in the ring. But as far as the money was concerned it's just too much for a weapon to turn it down and a weapon or stance to pull in 50 grand if Jones signs up jump weapon or is now thirty nine years old he owns a piece of a freight company and he's involved in a liquor business and he has no intention of making a comeback weapon has gotten a lot of good years out of boxing and that relationship has been reciprocal. But as far as Jones is concerned it looks like he'll be returning to football. That's where he belongs and not in the ring. AP reports that Jones will return to the Dallas Cowboys after completing two scheduled fights. Well 17 year old Darryl Geary from Columbia Maryland will most likely be the latest addition to the cosmos the cosmos announce that they have acquired the rights to the high school stand out from the Minnesota kicks in exchange. The cosmos are heading over there to 1981 draft selections. He was the second player overall selected in the recent 900 North American League

draft choice and the cosmos are expected to negotiate a contract with gates after his graduation in June. Back to you again. Put you on the spot Bill who will win. See all our problems. While I have a certainly a feeling about city hall and I think it it's about time that they really put it together I think they're going to do it tonight despite their poor record. I hope you're wrong. OK having 50 American hostages held in a foreign country for more than 80 days now has many of us wondering if there is anything we hear in the U.S. can do. One method of venting that frustration which is being pushed by a local newspaper comes under scrutiny now by our Sound Off commentator Richard Nixon. What is as American as motherhood and apple pie. The American Flag Of course with the revered stars and stripes like those other symbols. Can be abused. What to me smacks of an ethical journalistic practice if not downright abuse of this venerable symbol appeared in the Trenton Times one recent Sunday. A full page house

ad that is a promotional ad placed by the newspaper itself. Carried the following message. Quote. Join your neighbors by showing your support for our countrymen held hostage in Iran. Cut out this flag and display it in your window until every one of them is released. More than 7000 Trenton Times readers are displaying this flag already. Won't you join them. The rest of the ad is a printed version of the American flag and color. At the bottom of which is a coupon to be clipped and mailed to the Times containing a commitment. Yes I'm supporting supporting our hostages by displaying the flag in my window. Please put your name clearly. The ad says. The paper will publish your name. This failure to respond mean lack of support. The code of ethics of the Associated Press managing editors Association stipulates that a newspaper should report the news without regard for its own interests and further. That it should not give favored treatment to advertisers or special interest groups. The code also states that concern for community business or personal interest should not cause a newspaper

to distort or misrepresent the facts. Had the ad been purchased by some group other than the newspaper itself I still may disagree with the patriotic gesture. But I would support that group's right to advertise. What such self-serving promotion under the guise of patriotism is taking advantage of an otherwise serious matter. I cannot help but think the worst that the Times is as much interested in promoting itself. As it is in supporting the hostages. This is Richard Nixon. Today marks the end of formers week in New Jersey. And despite his arm and image a New

Jersey is very much a farm state in many respects. Earlier this week we took a closer look at the New Jersey farmer who he is and where he's going tonight we repeat that closer look. Karen Stone is the reporter. New Jersey agriculture statistics paint a rosy picture. One hundred more farms in 1980 than in 1979 the first such increase since 1944. But as often is the case statistics don't tell the whole story. Experts say the increase in the number of firearms is due to inflation and to a change in the definition of just what constitutes a farm today anyone who produces and sells at least $1000 worth of products is counted as a farmer and that number counts a lot of part time as well as full time farmers. Therefore any estimate of the average farm income would be distorted by low incomes of part time farmers. Yet in 1978 a lone New Jersey farmer sold more than one million dollars in products each and every day.

Many of those products came from a lot of very small under 50 acre farms and a lot of very large over 150 acre farms at the expense of the mid-size New Jersey farms and farmland is so expensive today that many farmers are forced to rent rather than own a good portion of the land they farm. That trend is likely to continue but it's not the only change the 1980s will bring. New Jersey's nickname of the Garden State could someday be replaced by the grain state reflecting a change in what the New Jersey farmer plants and harvest. Today one third of the state's harvest of crop land is in soybeans and grain. That's four times the amount grown 10 years ago. This by no means is the end of New Jersey vegetable or dairy farmer but grain is more mechanized and less labor intensive than dairy or vegetable farming. And the UN availability and rising cost of labor have made grain farming more attractive and profitable at least until the Russian grain embargo for the mills are not taking any more corn right now when the prices drop

at least 40 cents a bushel. And how long this will hold. We do not know the cost of production in the price of fuel has risen so. That 40 cents will. Be the breaking point. But Jersey Farmer George Miller didn't break when others got out of poultry farming. Instead he stayed what farmers used to be farming more than one thing dairy grain and poultry sticking with a poultry business some experts say may be a wise move. The energy crisis may make egg farming in New Jersey profitable once again. Shipping costs from the south are expected to rise and New Jersey is strategically located within a 250 mile radius of 60 million people may pick up the slack. Yet some New Jersey farmers disagree poultry is a dying business in New Jersey because many forms have been put out because of odor. But the Dolphins moving in. Taxes have been high

the price of grain is made the cost to feed the unbearable pretty there and the cost to the price of eggs per dozen has not changed in the last 20 years. PACER the farmers are getting now for the same price that eggs were wholesaling for in one thousand fifty three. The industry that's coming into New Jersey and the people that are moving in. There's just. The great demand for housing and. The price of land. For Foreman. And you just. Can't take it and the tax situation too. Is eliminating the former but the New Jersey farmer has proved to be a hearty source. He survived the big development push of the 50s and 60s that chewed up 40 to 60000 acres of farmland each year. However during the past decade farmers have slowed that land lost to a total of 70000

acres or just 90 farms. Yet the crane is still a menace. I think the challenge immediate challenge is the fuel situation and available land bigger parcels the land for farming because for grain with bigger equipment to utilize the fuel so the biggest advantage you need a larger field. And these are becoming hard to come to. That's what one farmer sees as the challenge of the 80s. Here with me to discuss the future of farming in New Jersey are Dick Cheney. He's the director of the State Department of Agriculture division of rural resources and Ernest coaster Jr. grain and dairy farmer from Ringrose. Welcome gentlemen. Mr. Chelm day what would you outline as some of the major problems facing farmers in the coming decades. The main problems that seem to have emerged out of our convention and farmers we've got activities of farmland preservation right to farm issue so that a farmer can be permitted to farm and use the best management practices to meet environmental

regulations adequate credit to farm this one of a million dollars each farmer needs to operate his farm each year. The farm labor problem the need for adequate pesticides of the right kind to control diseases and insects in matter of uniform ordnances at the local level needed enabling legislation at the state level marketing problems more direct farmers to consumer marketing and the whole area I think of resource recovery of producing gasohol from corn. Trapped production using waste water he using about a bill of materials for animal feeds Minamata lots of them. Mr coaster I was at the convention briefly this morning and one of the problems that I heard was over regulation by state and local governments. You certainly must have had some kind of experience with overregulation. We have one township in our area that has a zoning ordinance that requires a two entries into a field with a concrete 10 foot wide concrete Center which is

expensive and the purposes for a fire engine to get in the field there hasn't been a fire in a field since day one in a fire engine will be in there for as long as I can think of. Also we have limitations on the height of the floor broke her silence. Things like this and the economical way to build a silo is high nut not short around as a state official is to tell me how are you trying to grapple with some of the regulation problems that farmers are facing. We are driving to work with the land grant colleges with the society with all individuals. Are interested in this problem to try to bring some practical this into the rules and regulations as they are written rewriting them where necessary in particular in terms of their enforcement trying to encourage those who have a horseman responsible to enforce them in a realistic way so that a farmer is able to follow the best management practices or follow the latest state of the art in carrying out his farming operation. And that's a big task.

Mr. Brewster despite some of the problems there seem to be some pluses. Farmers are still generally optimistic I found that apparently even with the energy costs high energy costs that can in part be of a boon to New Jersey farmers because you're surrounded by good healthy markets and there's a good healthy market right here in the state. Being right on top of the most the. Viable market in the country we should have a good chance to market our commodity here in this area. For instance a load of cabbage coming in from California. The loop cost Boston fifteen hundred dollars and fuel transportation costs fifteen hundred dollars. So the transportation costs now are getting to the point where they're all setting the price of production. Also we're having in the West they're having water problems and we'll be able to produce food even though they don't have water up there. So I think in a good situation of reduced food stuff for the local metropolitan area at a reasonable cost is generally farmland preservation The first thing you mentioned was also a big item.

Where does that stand. The department is in the midst of a study now implementing yes 49 to five which legislation was signed by the governor on October 31 in which we will be trying to develop a plan of action to preserve farmland in this state. In essence doing the research behind the various techniques that localities can use in preserving the maximum number of acres possible. This will require a great deal of study and I'm sure some state enabling legislation as well as perhaps establishing a model ordinances so that again farmers can follow the best management practices. If we do these things we can make a profit in agriculture in New Jersey. Thank you very much both of you. And finally a New Jersey policeman captured the attention of fishermen and sailors along the East Coast this month when he sailed past them on a motorized water ski. He started in Maine wanted to go to Mexico. He didn't quite make that his vacation ran out. He had to come home. Christa grody tells us more.

Answering telephones and typing is dull work for this sportsman. James Carlin a Saddle Brook patrolman is back at work today after spending his 22 day vacation battling rough seas and high winds on something called the jet ski. It looks like a motorcycle and it works rather like a surfboard with a motor and a few other amenities contemn left Portland Maine on January the 4th wearing a specially designed wet suit to keep him warm at his destination. Madame Morris Mexico but he found he had to cut the trip short in Daytona Beach. And I had planned on the 4000 but the elements and I had to be back to work on duty yesterday at 8 o'clock. So I made it as far as I could just about enough time to get on an Easter flight and get back here early yesterday morning. Total time was six but just about 77 hours for a distance of twenty two hundred ten miles. This is Carlin third such ski trip. He says he does it to raise money for different causes but it's obvious the pleasure is all his in saddle Brown.

I'm Christina groaning and that's a Saturday edition of New Jersey nightly news for Bill Maher when the entire staff. I'm Jack Cafferty. Good bye.

New Jersey Nightly News; New Jersey Nightly News Episode from 01/26/1980 (2024)
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